Routine Dental Check-Up

Routine Dental Check-Up

You may assume that you should have a dental check-up every six months, but some people may not be required to go often, and others may need more frequent visits. At AVIVO Clinics, our dentists will suggest when you should have your next check-up based on how good your oral health is. The time between check-ups may vary from three months to two years, depending on how healthy your teeth and gums are and the risk of future problems.

Why do I need to have a dental check-up?

A check-up allows the dentist to understand if you have any dental problems and helps keep your mouth healthy. Leaving untreated issues could make it more difficult for them to be treated in the future, so it is best to deal with problems early or, if possible, to prevent them altogether.

What will happen during a dental check-up?

At every check, our dentist will:

  • Examine your teeth, your gums and your mouth
  • Ask about your overall health and any problems regarding your teeth, mouth, or gums since your last visit.
  • Ask about, and advise on, your diet, smoking and drinking, and teeth cleaning habits.


How often am I supposed to have a dental check-up?

Discuss the date of your next visit. Our dentist will advise a date for your next visit after your check-up. The time for your next check-up may be as short as three months or as long as two years (or up to 1 year if you are below 18). Usually, the lower your risk of dental troubles, the longer you can wait for your next check-up. People with good oral health may probably need to attend only once every year or in two years, but those with more problems will require a

more frequent check-up.

What happens during a routine dental check-up?

Listening to strange noises and having someone work inside your mouth can understandably cause a lot of stress and anxiety. But don’t worry, we’re here to tell you exactly what’s going on from start to finish the next time you visit our dentist for a check-up.

The next person you will meet after checking in for a dental appointment is the dental nurse. They provide excellent assistance with the preparation work, with the assistance of dentists during procedures, and with the sterilization of dental instruments. You can think that dental nurses are the true unsung heroes of a dental practice!


Before anything is done inside your mouth, the dentist needs to know your medical history and if this is your first appointment to the dental practice, any changes to your health, such as new medications, diabetes, arthritis, pregnancy, etc. Our dental team must be aware of any health concerns, anxieties or allergies you may have to avoid an incident and ensure that you get the kind of care you need.

Examination of teeth

The dentist will use a metal probe with a small angled mirror to help see behind and between teeth and gums. It will also be used to check for the softening of the tooth enamel and dentin. They will also check for the swelling of the gums in all areas, mouth sores, and redness.

Dental X-rays

The final step is to take x-ray pictures of your mouth so that the dentist can see if there are any problems below the surface of your mouth. It involves biting down a piece of specially crafted plastic while an x-ray imaging machine is placed against your cheek. The resulting image shows visible parts of the teeth and the roots below the gum line and your jawbones. It allows the dentist to see what’s going on and to give your oral care as needed.

Results and guidance

The dentist will let you know what’s going on in your mouth and advise you about the next best procedure for you. Sometimes it may involve scheduling another dental appointment for a procedure, while other times, the dentist will give you advice on what can be done at home to improve your oral health. Listening to this advice is very important and follow it to ensure that the next check-up is the best it can be.

Future appointments

The final step of a routine dental check-up is to schedule your next one for a six-month date in the future. Scheduling your next appointment is the easiest and most effective way to ensure that you don’t forget to have a regular dental check-up. Even if you are diligent in your dental care, there is no better protection against oral problems than having your mouth professionally cleaned and monitored by a dentist. Our team of experts will provide you with the best services and make your experience the best one to take care of your dental routine.

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