

Bronchitis is the infection of the bronchial tubes that result in inflammation and irritation. The bronchial tubes (bronchi) transport air to and from the lungs. 

The walls of the bronchial tubes produce mucus that traps dust and other particles that could lead to irritation.

People who have bronchitis produce more mucus than usual.

Their body tries to shift the extra mucus through coughing.

Bronchitis requires professional attention for treatment. At AVIVO Clinics, our homoeopathic doctors provide the best treatment for bronchitis.

Types of Bronchitis 

Acute Bronchitis 

Acute Bronchitis is the temporary inflammation of the bronchial tubes that leads to cough and mucus. It generally lasts for about three weeks.

Chronic Bronchitis

People with Chronic bronchitis suffer from a daily productive cough that can last for several weeks or months. It is usually prevalent in people with asthma or emphysema.

Symptoms of Bronchitis 

Symptoms of acute and chronic bronchitis are:

  • Chest congestion, when the chest feels full or clogged
  • A cough that may contain mucus that’s clear, white, green or yellow
  • Shortness of breath
  • a whistling sound or wheezing when one breathes


Other symptoms of acute bronchitis may also include:

  • Body ache and chills
  • Fatigue
  • Fever with a low temperature
  • Stuffy or a runny nose
  • A Sore throat


The cough can last a few weeks even after the other symptoms of acute bronchitis are gone. The bronchial tubes may heal, and the swelling subsides. If the symptoms persist longer than that, there could be an underlying problem.

With chronic bronchitis, the cough can last for a minimum of 3 months and return at least two years in a row.

Causes of Bronchitis

Viral and bacterial infections

A virus usually causes bronchitis. Less often, it may be caused by a bacteria.

Usually, bronchitis is caused by the same viruses that are the cause of common cold or flu.

The virus is present in the millions of tiny droplets that come out of the nose and mouth when someone sneezes or coughs.

These droplets typically spread about 1m. They hang suspended in the air for some time and then land on surfaces. The viruses can survive for up to 24 hours on these surfaces.

If anyone touches these surfaces, they may get infected and can spread the virus further by touching something else.

Breathing in irritant substances

Bronchitis may be triggered by breathing in irritant substances, such as tobacco smoke, smog or chemicals in household products.

Smoking is the preeminent cause of chronic bronchitis. It can affect people who smoke and also inhale second-hand smoke.

People who suffer from chronic bronchitis may develop a smoking-related lung disease called emphysema, where air sacs inside the lungs get damaged and cause shortness of breath.

Occupational exposure

People may be at risk of chronic bronchitis or types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) if they are often exposed to substances that can damage their lungs, such as:

  • Grain dust
  • Fabric fibres (textiles)
  • Ammonia
  • Strong acids
  • Chlorine

This exposure is known as occupational bronchitis. It generally reduces once there is no exposure to the irritant substance.


To reduce your risk of bronchitis, one must:

Avoid smoking.

Smoking and second-hand smoke increases the risk of bronchitis.

Get vaccinated.

Most cases of acute bronchitis generally result from influenza. A yearly flu vaccine can help protect one from contracting the flu.

Wash your hands frequently

To reduce the risk of developing a viral infection, one must wash their hands often with soap or use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.

Wear a surgical mask.

One must wear a face mask at work if they are exposed to fumes or dust and in crowded places or while travelling.

Homoeopathy Treatment

The homoeopathic treatment for bronchitis is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using a holistic approach.

The aim of our homoeopathy department is not only to treat bronchitis but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as the medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat bronchitis that can be selected based on origin, sensations and modalities of the symptoms.

Homoeopathic medicines are very reliable and safe to cure bronchitis. They are made from natural ingredients and free from any side effects and do not suppress any symptoms in the treatment of bronchitis.

They serve as a helping hand and help in the natural coughing out of the mucus from the bronchi. As the mucus is thrown out with the aid of selected homoeopathic medicines, the cough, breathing difficulty and chest pain also begin to subside and almost end.

Homoeopathic treatment also prevents other complications that are related to bronchitis, such as respiratory failure, pneumonia, heart failure, etc. The treatment can be administered to any patient of any age group, making it the perfect remedy.

For an individualized treatment, the patient can consult our qualified homoeopathic doctors at an AVIVO Clinic near them.

Department of Homeopathy

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